After the previous election when Donald John Trump won the electoral college vote by a score of 306 to 232, thus winning the election, Hillary supporters are up in arms. Hillary did win the popular vote by a little about 800,000 votes. The popular vote was split almost exactly down the middle with Hillary winning 61,324,576 votes to Trump's 60,526,852 votes, making this an extremely close election race. Trump did end up winning thanks in part to the Electoral College. The electoral college is a system in which each state is delegated a certain number of votes based on the number of senators and representatives the state has. For example, Colorado has seven representatives and two senators so Colorado gets nine electoral votes. The number of votes range from three all the way up to fifty-five votes in California. There are 539 votes available and in order to win the electoral college a candidate must win at least 270 votes which is one more above the half amount. Donald Trump won 306 making him our next president of the United States.After Trump won the election Hillary supporters and mostly Trump haters took to the streets to protest. However, these protests have turned into violent riots. These riots have been called the "Not My President" protests and there are happening all over the U.S. Almost immediately after Trump was declared the winner these protests started in California. They then spread to many large cities across the country including Portland, Washington D.C., Austin, Denver, and many more. Rioters have been burning American flags, blocking major streets and Highways,and chanting derogatory chants about Donald Trump. In one of the worst riots that happened recently in Portland, Oregon rioters destroyed business windows, flipped cars, and even set fire to many things.
Kinking my Hose
Now for my favorite part of this blog. I can't believe people are rioting about something like this. These are pointless protests, and in my opinion just an excuse to riot and break the rules. These people can protest and riot all they want but in the end Trump is still going to be the next president. But in all fairness they are just getting back at the Republicans for rioting when Obama was elected... oh wait they weren't stupid and destroy their cities. This just adds to the long line of stupid things Democrats do. I just do not understand how people think that by blocking the interstate in Denver that they are going to magically make Hillary the president, or at least stop Trump from being president. In the great country of The U.S.A. people have the right to protest, notice I said protest. I did not say the right to riot and destroy property. They have plenty of political places to protest but they should not be blocking highways, destroying property, and disrupting citizens trying to live their daily lives. They should have peaceful protests and i would be perfectly okay with that however, I don't understand the point its not going to change anything.
Well this concludes the first installment of What Kinks My Hose.