Hello party people, the Tatester is back at it. This is a special post, we are going to be doing a collaboration with my good friend Braden. Go check out his blog "Where They are Now".
Well hello to my subscribers as Tate just said we are coming together to make a special post for you this week. This week we shall be discussing a brief history of Kristen Stewart and how she kinks our hoses.
Kristen was born in 1990 to a rich Los Angeles family. Through her younger years she was in minor films and projects. Most notably as Jodie Foster's daughter in Panic Room. But her first major role as a protagonist wouldn't come until the Twilight Saga.Her full legal name is Kristen Jaymes Stewart. This also aggravates me she can not even spell her own middle name like a normal person. She has to throw in all these funky trash letters like Y. Who the heck uses the letter Y? It is is not a vowel all the time just the times it feels like being one. Make up your mind Y you're either a constant or a vowel, not both! In the Twilight Saga she played Bella Swan. A young madam and happens to fall in love with fellow school mate Edward Cullen. Later in the film she discovers her true love is straight out of Bram Strokers Dracula! During the film she is pulled back a forth between another love Jacob Black the Werewolf! The Werewolf and Vampires are sworn enemies so Edward and Jacob fight for Bella's love. In the end she gets impregnated by Edward and they have a half breed baby vampire. Bella is also turned into a vampire a she embraced the culture.I can not believe she got into the acting career especially as a main character. Her role in Twilight was atrocious. She played that role with no emotion and made me want to throw up. Then they went and made four more movies; I have no idea why. I did not enjoy the movies to start with and her role just made it ten times worse. In this role she hardly ever shows any emotion, and just does not play the role very well. Seth Rogen could play the role of Bella better. Nowadays Kristen enjoys spending time with her three dogs and her cat. She also has a girlfriend. She doesn't do much on the film side anymore since 2012 when her last major films were released. Kristen still keeps in touch with former co-star Robert Patterson. Why would she end on the Twilight movies? Everybody will just remember her for her horrible performance in those movies. I mean can anybody name another Kristen Stewart movie from memory. Nope, did not think so! Plus, in the movie she picked the wrong boy. I was on Team Jacob! Why would she pick the boy that abandon her. Jacob was nothing but nice to her and she just shot him down repeatedly. She really Kinks My Hose in every which way.
We heavily criticize Miss. Stewart but we must look at her accomplishments. The Twilight Movies were very popular, we just happened to not be fans. We would like to wish her the best of luck with her career (if it ever picks up again), her relationship, and just in general. Thank you!